الخميس، 24 مارس 2016

Chocolate Nut + Flax Smoothie

Who else loves chocolate as much as I do? Not only do I love chocolate but I love the combination of chocolate and peanut butter any day of the week. Creamy goodness is what I'm after. This chocolate nutty flax smoothie not only tastes decadent but packs a ton of nutrient goodness. I paired a superior, undenatured whey protein with organic peanut butter and organic flax for added omega-3s.

Why I Chose Chocolate, Peanut Butter + Flax

Did you know that not all whey protein is the same? The whey protein used in this recipe is very different than most whey protein supplements out there. I used an indentured whey which basically means that most of the goodness is in tact. Undenatured whey is not heated to ultra high temperatures and spun during filtration meaning we still get all of the immune boosting benefits from whey protein. Denatured whey products are still a good source of protein but do not possess any of the immune boosting properties that can be so beneficial. In addition, our whey protein comes from New Zealand grass-fed cows that are never treated with routine antibiotics and hormones.

I added peanut butter and flax for a few reasons other than just taste. Organic peanut butter was added for taste and to boost the fat content. Fat can be like instant energy so any time you aren't having as many carbs, added fat can help with energy and satiety. It also has potassium, extra protein, magnesium, Vitamin E and antioxidants. In addition, I wanted this superfood smoothie to pack even more nutrient goodness with added plant based omega-3s which have been shown to have heart-healthy effects. The ground flax in this recipe also provides a great dose of lignans which may have antioxidant qualities. Lastly, the flax adds and extra nutty flavor that only enhances the peanut butter to make it extra delicious!

Chocolate Nutty Flax Smoothie Ingredients

1 Packet Chocolate Whey Protein (approximately 36g protein)
1 Tablespoon Organic Peanut Butter
1 Tablespoon Spectrum Organic Ground Flax
Ice + Water (to your desired amount)

Chocolate Nutty Flax Smoothie - How To Make

Grab a Vitamix or blender of your choice.
Add ice + water (more ice for a thicker shake like ice cream, more water for a thinner shake like a thin smoothie)
Add in protein powder, peanut butter and flax and blend to your desired amount and thickness.
You can always add more ice or water to change the consistency a little if you need to make changes.


Margot Rutigliano is a freelance writer as well as the owner of Vita Vie Retreat. She has been a fitness trainer, wellness coach and healthy living adviser since 1999. Vita Vie Retreat is a fitness retreat offering healthy lifestyle transformation programs for men and women of all ages and fitness levels. For more information or to contact Ms. Rutigliano, please visit http://www.bvretreat.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Margot_Rutigliano/1080973

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9354762

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