الثلاثاء، 5 أبريل 2016

How to Come Up With Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss

Your success in cutting down weight will be dependent on whether you have healthy recipes for weight loss or not. Many people have no idea what constitutes a healthy recipe thus end up choosing the wrong foods that increase weight rather than cut down. You must always go out of your way in making sure the recipes you settle for are healthy enough to help deal with your overweight condition. Not all foods are good at that so you need to understand that well in advance.

It will cushion you against making wrong choices of foods to include in your healthy recipes for weight loss. The ideal recipes should be the ones that will work as per your needs for losing weight. It will take you for a ride if you stick to copying weight loss ideas from other people. You must be creative and stick to your own ways. The amount of weight that you lose will depend a lot on the type of recipes you have and workouts you take to complement that.

Getting personal will be the right approach when designing healthy recipes. This will make sure whatever food you have in your recipe is the right one for helping cut weight as you have envisaged. One of the questions to ask is on the number of meals to take in a day. Your recipes should address that. Will it be two, four, five or six? The choice will be all yours to make but it's advised that you have many light meals in a day than few heavy ones.

Devote enough time

That helps in losing weight in a big way because calories will be scattered. You should as well determine the amount of time that you will be willing to devote for designing your healthy recipes for weight loss. You do not need a lot of time in preparing your recipes but stay simple. If you don't like cooking, it might be troublesome for you but that should not discourage you. Will you need some support to prepare your recipes? This is very much possible because it's all about weight loss.

You will need support from an expert on health and fitness to help you come up with the best recipes that are suited for that. Do not design your healthy recipes for weight loss when you have no idea what it takes to come up with a weight loss friendly meal. It will be mission in futility and should not be condoned. If you prefer dining out a lot, you should regulate that when you are striving to lose weight through your recipes. It is very hard accounting for the calorific value of the food you eat out at a restaurant so avoid that as much as possible.

When you come up with healthy recipes for weight loss, be prepared to cut off any links you have with a restaurant for your meals. Your recipes for weight loss have to be healthy and followed to the letter.

This author writes articles and books that target people with weight challenges. If you are wondering how to come up with healthy recipes for weight loss, he will be the right person to advise you on how to tackle that. He has many published books on health and fitness that you can read through to get informed.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Aronno_Bhowmick/584998

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9247637

What Makes Organic Honey Better for Your Health?

Honey is nature's wonder. And health-conscious people around the world are turning their attention towards India, due to its Organic Honey. It is collected from different parts of India including the hilly areas of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Araku Valley in Andhra Pradesh and others. In fact, the famous Kashmir Honey is one of the bestselling varieties and is exclusively collected from the beautiful and mesmerizing landscapes of Kashmir. The Honey collected from rain-fed slopes of Araku Valley acts as excellent digestive and antioxidant due to the presence of a large variety of medicinal plants in the valley.

So, let us see the different varieties of Honey available in India and which one you should choose:

Commercial Honey

Commercial Honey is actually a pasteurized version. Though you won't see the word 'pasteurized' anywhere on the container, isn't it obvious that commercial products are all processed? Instead the word you see in description is 'Pure'. But the reality is very far from it, as there are no set of manufacturing standards that define 'pure' on a label. And such commercially manufactured Honey may actually contain fillers such as corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, etc.

It is manufactured and processed to remove all the bits and pieces like pollen, propolis, comb, etc. that come along with Honey during collection. It is heated to get a cleaner final product and filtered for a smooth texture. It is manufactured in such a way that it doesn't crystallize unless allowed to freeze in a refrigerator. It is heated to high temperature to achieve this and in the process kills all the bacterial enzymes. Though it is not an optimal variety, it is better than refined sugar. If raw or Organic Honey is not available, commercial Honey from stores is the next best form.

Raw Honey

Raw Honey is collected and distributed by trusted local beekeepers. This acts as a great immunity source against seasonal allergies. With just a visit to your beekeeper's unit, you can assess the quality of the Honey. It is usually 100% pure and unadulterated. It will be available in 3 forms:

Completely Raw Honey - It will be crystallized and crunchy when you buy it. It may contain bits of pollen, wax and other remnants.

Unfiltered Raw (or Strained) - It will crystallize more quickly than the other types. It is simply strained to free the Honey from large chunks of combs etc.

Filtered raw Honey - It is slightly heated and filtered. It is completely clean without any bits of pollen etc. It doesn't have all the other health benefits of a completely raw Honey, but it is considered better than pasteurized variety. Though the raw Honey is claimed to be unprocessed, there are no strict legal requirements labelling Honey as "raw". Though they are unprocessed, they are slightly warmed to retard granulation for a short period of time and allow light straining and packing into containers for sale. Therefore, it is difficult to identify the amount of real Honey in 100% pure Honey.
Organic Honey

The variety of Honey with best flavor, aroma and health benefits is Organic Honey. Organic Honey manufactures meet the standards set by the local organic agriculture board in terms of bee foraging areas, source of nectar, bee management, extraction, transportation and packaging materials. For Honey to be organic, the beekeepers have to follow the below standards of cultivation:

The farms surrounding the beekeeping areas about 5 kilometers are organic. Meaning these farms are cultivated only through natural ways and with the use of natural fertilizers.

No additives are added at any point of time (sugar, sweeteners, non-compliant Honey etc.).

Mostly, the beehives are maintained in isolated areas far from pollution and heavy traffic areas and cultivated under safe, pesticide-free environment.

During starvation, bees must be fed organic supplements only like Honey, sugar, fruit concentrate etc. This kind of farming demands rigorous methods and regular sample tests which ensure that the process is consistently organic.
Organic Honey is a healthier choice and has superior taste when compared to other varieties.

Independent Blogger, Environmentalist, Organic Food Enthusiast, Organic Products Researcher. I am looking forward to share my knowledge.

Organic Honey

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Karthik_Guduru/212945

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9236681

Viva La Breakfast A Go-Go

Breakfast A Go~Go

Getting the kids involved in eating breakfast is what mornings in my house are what mornings are all about. But even feeding tweens are difficult, not only because of their numerous time constraints, but also because of their changing appetites.

That's why I suggest breakfasts such as Steel-cut Oatmeal for Pre-Teen, Belgian Waffle Sliders and -- my favorite -- A Go-Go Cone Breakfast.

The sliders are simply waffles sandwich around peanut butter and bananas, for example, a chocolate-hazelnut spread with berries, or a sausage patty and scrambled eggs.

Use your favorite waffle cone recipe -- or purchased waffle cones -- for an unusual on-the-go breakfast. You can make the waffle cones ahead of time, on the weekend, then just have your child scramble up some eggs, cheese and/or meats and stuff the cone; they can be wrapped in foil to be eaten on the way to class, if necessary! The eggs can also be made ahead in the weekends and portioned out mid week and heated for the cone!

Use a slow cooker to dish up steel-cut oats, which have so much more flavor and texture than the regular kind, but take so much longer to cook. Slow-cook them overnight, and in the morning, all kids need to do is spoon the oatmeal into to-go cups and top it with dried fruit, toasted nuts and brown sugar.



2 eggs

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 3/4 cups milk

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1 tablespoon white sugar

4 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat waffle iron. Beat eggs in large bowl with hand beater until fluffy. Add remaining ingredients, beating just until smooth. (Batter can be made ahead, but make sure you stir before using.) Spray preheated waffle iron with nonstick cooking spray. Pour mix onto hot waffle iron. Cook until golden brown.

Fill little waffles with a variety of your favorite healthy spreads, such as bananas and peanut butter, chocolate-hazelnut spread and fresh fruit. Top with second waffle and serve.

Note: This batter keeps in the refrigerator for at least a week. Or you can make the waffles ahead and freeze them. Adding a little cinnamon and nutmeg is delicious, too.

Sausage and Egg Muffin Cups

These can be made the weekend ahead and refrigerated or frozen until ready to use.


12 slices whole wheat bread, crust removed

1/4 cup butter, melted

10-12 ounces shredded cheddar cheese, or cheese substitute

½ pound turkey breakfast sausage meat, cooked and drained

7 eggs

3 cups milk or milk substitute

1 teaspoon onion powder

½ teaspoon Dijon mustard

2 chopped scallions

salt and pepper


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease muffin tins.

Use a rolling pin to roll and flatten the bread slices. Leave as squares, or use a cookie cutter to cut circles

Brush the bread slices with butter and use them to line a non stick muffin tin, pressing lightly to form a crust. Set aside

Sprinkle cooked the crumbled sausage in each bread-lined cup

Whisk the eggs, milk, onion powder and mustard together

Add 1/2 the cheese to the egg mixture and mix again to combine

Pour the egg mixture into the cups

Add scallions and top with the remaining cheese

Cover loosely with foil and bake for 30 minutes

Uncover and bake 15 minutes more. Cool completely, then store the muffins in the refrigerator in an airtight container until ready to use. Microwave them, and you're out the door!

Makes 12 muffins


Serves 2-4

1 cup Irish steel-cut oats

4 cups water

1 medium apple, peeled, cored and cut into chunks

2 tablespoons maple syrup

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon salt

1 cup whole milk or half and half

Toppings of your choice

Grease the bowl of your slow cooker with butter. Add all ingredients and stir well. Cover and set slow cooker to low. Cook for 8-9 hours. In the morning, stir contents of the slow cooker well; season with butter and brown sugar if needed. Spoon into to-go cups and top with dried fruit, toasted nuts, brown sugar and milk (optional).


Note: You'll need a round waffle cone iron and wooden cone form. Make these ahead of time and store them in an air-tight container. Fill with scrambled eggs or fresh fruit for on-the-go fare. Its worth the search for the waffle cone maker.


¾ cup all-purpose flour

½ teaspoon kosher salt

¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon

¾ cup plus, 2 tablespoons. powdered sugar, divided

3 large egg whites

5 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

Nonstick vegetable oil spray


Whisk flour, salt, cinnamon, and ¾ cup powdered sugar in a medium bowl. Using an electric mixer on medium-high speed, beat egg whites and remaining 2 Tbsp. powdered sugar in a large bowl to stiff, fluffy peaks.

Gently, fold the dry ingredients into egg white mixture until just blended. Fold in butter and mix until all is incorporated.

Spray a waffle-cone maker with nonstick spray and heat to medium. Using ¼ cup batter per batch, make waffle cones one at a time and according to manufacturer's instructions, baking to desired doneness and molding them while still warm. Yields 8 cones, depending on the size of your waffle cone maker. Store airtight until ready to use.

Note: All these recipes can all be prepped ahead of time' over a weekend and microwave on busy school day mornings!

Chef Gigi Gaggero is recognized nationally as an expert in culinary education and has coached thousands of children and their families how to shop, prep, cook and eat better. Co-author of, "Learning with Little Lulu Lemon" and has been featured on Radio Disney and Bay Area local television broadcast with Spencer Christian, on NBC's "View from the Bay" and CBS, "Eye on the Bay". Currently publishing additional works including,"The Fun Filled Cooking Party Guide" for children's parties - and " Food Fight, for Parents of Picky Eaters" is expected to become a pantry staple for parents! http://www.gigigaggero.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gigi_Gaggero/95664

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6787849

How to Read and Execute a Recipe Properly

It seems like such a simple thing, but I like to employ a certain method to my madness when reading a recipe that I might like to execute. Pardon me for sounding like machine code. If recipe = good, then execute = Y. Being prepared is the number one piece of advice that I give when executing a recipe. I stress this all the time, because it is a big lesson that I have learned in my kitchen adventures.

Read and Reread

Take a few minutes and read the recipe through once. Then read it again, this time take note of any ingredients that you will need to purchase or any cooking utensils you will need. It is never a good idea to be completely linear when executing a recipe. Sometimes the recipe calls for a certain type of bakeware in the last paragraph that you didn't know you needed.

Also, make notes or mental notes about what ingredients need to be prepared a certain way, and where the instructions tell you to do so. For instance, one recipe might read One Medium Onion, Chopped. But another recipe might say One Medium Onion, and then two paragraphs below tell you to chop the onion.

Check to see if the oven needs to be preheating. Some recipes don't actually say "Preheat Oven." One time I did an hour's worth of preparation only to get to the last paragraph telling me "place dish in a 400 degree oven."

Check off ingredients

Go through your kitchen or pantry and check off the ingredients you have and make notes of ones that you know you can do without or you can substitute. You'd hate to be ready to light the grill and realize you have no charcoal.

Start your Mise

Begin preparing the ingredients you will need. Chop, mince, dice, measure, preheat. Retrieve mixing bowls, skillets, or whatever utensils you will need to prepare your dish.

Final Glance

Take a moment to glance over the recipe before you begin cooking to see if you missed anything crucial. Did the oven need to be preheated? Does the recipe require a water bath, for which you need to boil some water? Do you need to heat some oil in a skillet? Do you need to let the wine breath?

Hope this will help you when preparing the food with recipes. And now execute the rest. A little forethought and preparation will go a long way.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mary_Nelson/2220976

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9252292

Delicious Healthy Food

Most mothers face the trouble of feeding healthy food to the kids. Spinach and greens are toughest nut to crack. Here are two yummy recipes.

1. Soupy Noodles: serves four


Tomatoes - 4 
Bottle gourd: half of a small one 
Carrots: two. small and tender 
Spinach - 8 leaves (remove the stems) 
Onion - one 
Garlic: half round ( 8-10 cloves) 
Cloves -2 
Salt and pepper to taste. 
Whole cumin seeds. ( jeera) - one table spoon 
Noodles*: 400 gms ( instant or other)


• Peel onion, garlic, bottle gourd and carrots. 
• Wash spinach thoroughly. 
• Wash all the other vegetable including tomatoes. 
• Chop the vegetables in small pieces, around one to two inches. 
• Place all the vegetables and the cloves in a pressure cooker. 
• Add 250 ml water. 
• Close the lid of the pressure cooker and when it starts to whistle, put the gas flame to low. 
• Keep it for ten minutes. 
• Meanwhile cook the noodle or boil the noodles as per the instructions. 
• In case of instant noodles, it is just two minutes; while other noodle might take longer and require draining of water. 
• Add flavouring and spices as provided with the instant noodles. 
• In case of other noodles, drain the water after boiling and add salt, red chilli sauce and vinegar as per taste. 
• Once the noodles are done, put these aside. 
• Turn off the gas, wait for the steam to dissipate. 
• Open the pressure cooker lid carefully. 
• In case using a steel blender, blend the hot vegetable thoroughly; in case using a mixer, grinder or plastic blender wait for the vegetables to cool, then blend thoroughly. 
• Take a large sieve and strain these blended vegetables through it. 
• Use a stapula to crush and push the vegetable through the strainer. 
• Take a large pan and combine noodles and blended (and strained) vegetables in that pan. 
• Roast the cumin seeds on the hot girdle ( tawa). 
• Crush these roasted seeds into powder. ( I put these on chakla and roll rolling pin i.e. belan over these). 
• Add this powder to the noodle and soup mixture. 
• Add salt and black pepper to the soupy noodles. 
• A very nourishing, absolutely non fattening food for the winter evenings is ready.

#While serving in the bowls, this soup can be garnished with boiled eggs. 
*Instead of noodles, pasta/ macaroni can be used.

2. Taco for tiffins: Two tacos


Whole wheat flour: 100 gms 
Warm water: 200 ml 
Salt: a pinch 
Ajwain*: a pinch 
Purified butter/ ghee: one tablespoon

For filling:

Potato - one boiled 
Cheese - 50 gms grated 
Green peas - 50 gms boiled 
Fenugreek (Methi) green leaves - two sprigs, (washed and very finely chopped) 
Salt and pepper for seasoning 
Oregano - a pinch 
Sandwich spread - optional


Add flour, salt, ajwain and purified butter in wide plate/ pan. 
Slowly add warm water to knead and make soft dough. 
Make 2 balls out of this dough. 
Put a iron girdle on fire. 
Roll out the dough balls in wide circular pancakes. (size of a quarter plate) 
Cook these pancakes on the hot girdle one by one, turning it over, when one side is done. 
Mash together, the potato, cheese, pea and fenugreek leaves. 
Add salt, pepper and oregano. 
Spread a thin layer of sandwich spread over the pancakes, one by one. (optional) 
Spread the vegetable, cheese mash also on the pancake/ taco. 
Roll the taco and use toothpick at the ends to keep it closed. 
Grill these rolled tacos in the grill plate of waffle maker. 
Serve hot with green chutney or sauce.

# For filling any dry cooked vegetable can be used, e.g. cauliflower, cabbage, carrots etc. or scrambled eggs can be used. 
*Ajwain is also called carom, Carum copticum/Trachyspermum copticum/Trachyspermum ammi, or bishop's weed.

These two recipes are for those mothers who struggle everyday to make their children eat nutritious food.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Charu_Narang_Thakur/2221399

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9260692

Spice Spotlight: Delicious Paprika Recipes You Can't Afford To Miss

Paprika, a common household spice produced from sweet red pepper pods, is red in color and has a fine texture. It is most commonly used to season meat and vegetables for a richer flavor. Low in sodium, this healthy spice is loaded with Vitamins A, C, E and K and also a rich source of copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, thiamin and dietary fiber.

If you're a paprika lover, here are some delicious recipes that any spice lover can't afford to miss:

Low-Carb Paprika-Spiced Pork Chops

What you need:

4 boneless pork chops
1 onion, thinly sliced
1/3 cup sour cream
1/3 cup sauerkraut, drained
2 teaspoons butter
1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon garlic salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
In a skillet, melt butter over medium-high heat then cook onions until soft. Remove from heat and place buttered onions in a medium bowl. Add sour cream, sauerkraut and 1/2 teaspoon paprika to the bowl and stir until all ingredients are well-combined. Set aside. Season pork chops with remaining paprika, garlic salt and pepper then cook in a pre-heated broiler for 6-8 minutes per side or to desired doneness. Remove chops from the broiler, spread onion mixture on top of the meat then return to the broiler. Cook for 2-3 minutes more before serving.

Creamy Paprika and Turnip Soup

What you need:

3/4 kg. turnip bulbs (leafy tops discarded), cut into 1/2-inch chunks
3 cloves garlic, thickly sliced
1 large onion, largely diced
3 cups chicken broth
1 1/2 cups whole milk
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 pinch sugar
Salt and ground black pepper to taste
In a large pan, heat oil over medium-high heat then cook turnips and onion until vegetables start to turn golden-brown, about 8 minutes. Lower heat and add garlic, butter and sugar. Cook for about 8 minutes more, stirring constantly. Stir in paprika, thyme and cayenne pepper, then add broth. Allow to simmer, partially covered, for 8-10 minutes or until turnips are tender. Cool for a few minutes then puree mixture until smooth. Return to pan, add whole milk and heat through while stirring. Serve immediately.

Smoked Paprika Salad Dressing

What you need:

1 clove garlic
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1/3 cup honey
2 tablespoons chopped onion
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 tablespoon stone-ground mustard
3/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons smoked paprika
1/4 teaspoon oregano
1 pinch sugar
Combine garlic, olive oil, red wine vinegar, honey, onion, lime juice, mustard, salt, pepper, paprika, oregano and sugar in a blender. Stir until all ingredients are well-mixed. Process mixture on low, drizzling olive oil over the mixture while blending. Puree until smooth. Chill mixture in the refrigerator, covered, for 1-2 hours before serving with fresh vegetables.

Try these delicious paprika recipes as soon as possible for a surefire satisfied appetite!

Adrian T. Cheng is a food blogger who promotes healthy eating. He has written numerous posts and articles about natural herbs and spices, shared countless of delicious and healthy recipes and reviewed quality and affordable cooking gadgets that are worth checking out. You can view Adrian's posts about nutritious food and other interesting topics on his page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Adrian_T._Cheng/2109020

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9265971

Family Recipes For Cooking At Home

These cooking tips and recipes are family recipes shared in this great ezine article. Enjoy reading this great ezine article about cooking.

This is important cookware to have in the kitchen before cooking.

These items include:

1. Baking dish 
2. Blender 
3. Mixer 
4. Cappuccino maker 
5. ice cream maker 
6. pretzel maker 
7. Toaster 
8. Bread maker 
9. Measuring cup 
10. Microwave safe containers 
11. Baking pans 
12. Cake pans 
13. Spoons, forks, knives 
14. Spatula 
15. Oven MIT 
16. Plates 
17. Dishes 
18. Salad plate 
19. Soup bowl 
20. Crock pot 
21. Mugs, glasses 
22. Pie pans 
23. Kitchen apron

The process of setting the dinner table should include:

1. Dinnerware 
2. Plates 
3. Soup bowls 
4. Cups with saucers 
5. Glasses 
6. Salad plates 
7. Bread plates 
8. Napkins 
9. Creamer, sugar cube holder, salt and pepper shaker 
10. Carafe 
11. Pitcher

The utensils should be placed on napkins with place setting forks in order of use on left and knife and soup spoon on right with bread plate with bread knife as well.

To begin there are several dinner courses to be prepared which include:



Main Course


The dinner recipe should include:

1. Appetizers 
2. Sauces and soups 
3. Salads 
4. Vegetables 
5. Meat 
6. Fish and Poultry 
7. Bread and rolls 
8. Dessert

These family recipes I wrote by hand for my scrapbook. It is important to understand that anyone can make their own family recipe scrapbook.

The first recipe I chose from my scrapbook is Nestle toll house New England Clam Chowder. The recipes include the following ingredients:

1. 4 slices bacon chopped 
2. 1 lb potatoes peeled 
3. 1/4 cup carrots 
4. 1/4 cup onions 
5. 1/4 cup celery 
6. 2 cans nestle evaporated milk 
7. 1/4 cup flour 
8. 2 cups chopped clams 
9. 1/2 teaspoon pepper

Simply cook the bacon until crisp. Cook potatoes, carrots, onions, celery in bacon fat. Cook for 1-7 minutes until potatoes are tender.Combine milk and flour and add potatoes mixture. Stir clams, pepper, salt and bacon. Simmer 15-20 minutes until creamy and serve clam chowder.

Another tasty recipe is Nestle toll house rice pudding. The ingredients include:

1. 2 cups water 
2. 1 cup rice 
3. Cinnamon sticks in pieces 
4. 1/2 cup cinnamon 
5. 1 can Nestle evaporated milk 
6. 1 can Nestle sweetened condensed milk 
7. 1/2 cup raisins 
8. 1 1/2 cup vanilla extract 
9. 1/4 cup salt 
10. 2 large eggs

Place water, rice and cinnamon stick pieces in a saucepan and boil. Reduce heat mix and cover. Cook mix for 12-15 minutes. Remove cinnamon stick pieces and add ingredients milk, vanilla, salt and boil. Stir in rice and add eggs to rice mix. Use a whisk to whisk eggs and bring to boil again. Cook and stir for 2 minutes and serve warm or chilled. Spoon cinnamon on top and serve.

A final recipe from my recipe scrapbook includes the Nestle toll house shrimp and corn chowder recipe.

1. 3/4 cup water 
2. 1 small onion 
3. 1/2 cup red bell pepper 
4. 1 can cream corn 
5. 1 cup corn kernels 
6. 1 can Nestle evaporated milk 
7. Chicken bouillon 
8. Cooked shrimp 8 oz.

Bring 1/4 cup water to a boil in saucepan. Heat on medium heat and add onion, bell pepper and cook for 5 minutes. Add water, corn, milk and bouillon cubes, and other ingredients and reduce heat. Stir in cooked shrimp for 5 minutes and serve.

These are some favorite recipes for cooking at home. I hope you enjoyed the article and cooking too. Bon appetite!

You should make this holiday season special by creating your own holiday recipe scrapbook. Merry Christmas and happy new year to all the readers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nadine_Brown/2058995

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9253615